Red sand hills

Red sand hills

How the “Erra matti dibbalu” formed and what gave the sand its unique red color? These questions have challenged geologists since more than a century. Scientists are of the opinion that the initial chapter of this epic story started as far back as 1.8 million years ago and stretched across the broad canvas of geological time to around 10,000 years ago. During that time the sea level rose to as much as 150 feet and fell away a number of times to the current level. Between these oscillating sea levels the coast was submerged and exposed over and over again, huge volumes of clay, silt and sand covered the coast from where the sea water had receded. Due to the extreme changes in climatic conditions the material under the sandy dunes “baked” in the sun like a brick gets baked in a kiln leading to the peculiar red sand dunes. Subsequently action of the wind and flowing water caused the deeply gullied characteristic landscape.