Thursday, July 28, 2016

Sankaram - Buddhist heritage site

Visit to Dr.Ramanaidu Studio in Vizag

VIZAG CITY TOUR, by Get Set Go Travels-Car Rentals, Vizag Car rental, Ca...

Visit Thotalakonda, Vizag - for Car Rentals, Vizag Car rentals, Call 924...

famous DHIMSA DANCE from Araku Valley -Cars Rentals, Vizag Car rentals, ...

ARAKU DAY TOUR, by Get Set Go Travels-Cars Rentals, Vizag Car rentals, C...

Monday, July 25, 2016


How to deal with cravings?

Cravings can be healthy as well as unhealthy.

When the root of craving is based on how it tastes in your mouth and not how you feel in your being after you consume it then it is a unhealthy craving. A healthy craving satisfies you from deep within and not just how it feels in your mouth.
As per Ayurveda, the best way is to satisfy all the elements that our body is made up of. Make sure that your diet has all the six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent and pungent). As per our individual constitution, season and time of the day the ratio of these tastes differ/ change. If one eats as per these guidelines then the chances of cravings are minimised.

Apart from that avoid eating food while watching television, reading a book, traveling, walking etc. This also adds to dissatisfaction and aggravation of dosha's (imbalance of elements). Try to avoid talking while eating and also while you are emotionally upset. As your food so your thoughts.

Yogic wisdom suggests that the moment a craving arises watch its internal pathway instead of giving it a temporary boost by indulging in it. This way you will find its roots at the subconscious level.
On another level try practicing Nadi Shodhan (approximate translation Alternate Nostril breathing without breath retention) before surrendering to your craving and see if that has already balanced your system.

Another simple technique is rotating the tongue 21 times around the teeth in clockwise direction to activate the salivary glands and sweet taste in mouth. Sweet taste represents earth element which brings satiety, stillness, grounding and satisfaction.

Try these simple tips to deal with cravings! Have a Yogic and Ayurvedic day!!